Sunday, 20 June 2010

My First Post!

Imagine this - OK? You've just sat your end of year science test - slogged your guts out all day and
all you want to do is nothing and your best mate spends a whole hour giving you ear ache about
helping with some infantile joke book. Yes. You read that right. JOKE BOOK.
Mark, Griff and Steve whoI've hung about with since I don't know when have got it into their heads that they are going to spend the
last weeks of the summer term producing a joke book becos ...well I don't really know why, except perhaps
that Steve has the idea of selling it to the kids at his old primary school at their summer fair. Apparently he
did that in Y6 and made a profit. Steve is always thinking about making a profit. He cleans cars for people on Saturdays.
That's becos his family live in a tidgy shoe-box flat. Now don't get me wrong us Higgins's are not flush but
compared to Steve's people we're millionaires.

1 comment:

  1. Yo Danny how do you do. But one thing I want to know how do you travel back in time? It is totally cool.
    Do you like jokes?
    I hope you do What do you call a fairy that hasn't had a bath?
    Yes that's right stinkerbell.
